( 25 Reviews )

Sir Johns Burial Site, Obelisk
Tourist Attraction
4846365 Ellerslie, AUK 1051
John Salmon
Great views and a great place to walk and run.
( 38 Reviews )

Campbell Fountain and Statue
Tourist Attraction
308-312 Manukau Rd Ellerslie, AUK 1051
An historical landmark and the start of a journey in Cornwall and Maungakiekie domains. A few historical insights are displayed. I advise that you download the garden, tr ... more
( 15 Reviews )

Acacia Cottage
Tourist Attraction
Serving Ellerslie, AUK 1051
Emerson Smith
Wonderful historical place to visit.
( 1633 Reviews )

Maungakiekie / One Tree Hill
Tourist Attraction
670 Manukau Rd Ellerslie, AUK 1051good
( 17 Reviews )

Huia Lodge
Tourist Attraction
Cornwall Park Green Ln W Ellerslie, AUK 1051
There are many free events like watercolor workshops, mobile photography 101, and guided walk for birds, plants, and geology. I enjoyed them all.
( 2 Reviews )

One Tree Hill scenic overlook
Tourist Attraction
4846365, Sir Johns Burial Site, Obelisk Ellerslie, AUK 1051Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No More
( 17 Reviews )

Memorial Steps
Tourist Attraction
Serving Ellerslie, AUK 1051
Andrea Tripodi
Nice steps. I may have some photo of them when I was in Auckland.