( 64 Reviews )

Mangemangeroa Reserve
222 Whitford Rd Waikopua, AUK 2571
Good walk and depending on tide times can walk all the way to Cockle Bay beach , however after the storms the track is not the best in some places, it's pretty dodgy and ... more
( 11 Reviews )

Pohutukawa Park
16 Whitford-Maraetai Rd Waikopua, AUK 2571
Nancy Howell
Stopped to get some fruit and ice cream for the grand children and was told that there was a park just behind the carpark what a beautiful place the swings and all the ot ... more
( 28 Reviews )

Whitford Village Green
16-18 Whitford-Maraetai Rd Waikopua, AUK 2571
Benne Millrs
Nice little quiet park where we take our small dogs for exercise.
( 7 Reviews )

Whitford Domain
Serving Waikopua, AUK 2571
Dave Wakefield
Anzac day dawn service with approx 80 people present.
( 24 Reviews )

Whitford Beach - Turanga Creek Conservation Reserve
500 Clifton Rd Waikopua, AUK 2571
Russell Miller
This place is not very nice. Poorly sign posted. The road into the reserve is shocking and not fit for tractors. The track was so muddy it couldnt be walked on and people ... more