X Road Auto Services
Auto Repair Shop
2 Austin St Onekawa, HKB 4110Ali and Rani are Massive
Gas Guzzler Garage
25 Cadbury Rd Onekawa, HKB 4110Service: Oil change
Autostop Automotive car service
Auto Repair Shop
17 Niven St Onekawa, HKB 4110Good service and cheap
Eastern Automotive Service Centre
97 Austin St Onekawa, HKB 4110Fixed our exhaust at short notice. Excellent service. Thanks Hamish.
Dave's Auto
Auto Repair Shop
30 Hyderabad Rd Onekawa, HKB 4110Dave's Autos so accommodating it's not funny he's a very very good man and does a very quick job for a very reasonable price highly recommended to stop in and see him eve ... more
Auto Super Shoppe Onekawa
Auto Repair Shop
68 Austin St Onekawa, HKB 4110Very friendly staff and they know there stuff
Bosch Car Service - Napier Brake & Clutch Auto Care
25A Austin St Onekawa, HKB 4110Good place for your motorbike wof.
Hoffman Automotive
2/33 Cadbury Rd Onekawa, HKB 4110Services: Steering & suspension repair, Brake service & repair, Oil change, Air & cabin filter replacement
Motordrome Tyre and Auto Services - Napier
112-114 Raffles St Onekawa, HKB 4110Not happy, Paid 450 dollar for service, light replaced for Toyota Aqua they put wrong one, Went back to tell them about it ,don't know manager or owner, was using abusiv ... more
First Autoworks & RV
Auto Repair Shop
6D Taradale Rd Onekawa, HKB 4110Very helpful and friendly
Hawkes Bay Automatic Specialists
Auto Repair Shop
16 Lipton Pl Onekawa, HKB 4110Great, job well done
Pit Stop Napier
147 Tennyson St Onekawa, HKB 4110Service: Brake service & repair
Westshore Motors Ltd
12 Ford Rd Onekawa, HKB 4110Russell was great. Friendly and quick. Highly recommend!
Carlyle Automotive
45 Austin St Onekawa, HKB 4110Great sevice
Andrew Hollywood Motors
43 Corunna Bay Onekawa, HKB 4110Always brilliant service.
Corunna Auto Services Ltd
2/32 Hyderabad Rd Onekawa, HKB 4110Very good service and price.
Auto Tech 2021 Ltd
12 Sheffield Pl Onekawa, HKB 4110Ricky is our absolute hero! Helped a couple of girls with our car troubles, very reasonable, very helpful and smiling all the while! Will definitely be back for a servici ... more
Hawkes Bay Fleet Services
Auto Repair Shop
41 Thorn Pl Onekawa, HKB 4110These guys are super onto it
Mechanic Workshop
8 Hyderabad Rd Onekawa, HKB 4110Very professional, Friendly, Awesome service And they stand by their products
Onsite Services (Hawkes Bay) Limited
54 Thames St Onekawa, HKB 4110Friendly ,efficient and reasonably priced. Would use again
J.R Automotive
10 Thorn Pl Onekawa, HKB 4110Great service
Crawford's Radiator Centre
Radiator Shop
33 Mersey St Onekawa, HKB 4110Excellent friendly fast service, at very affordable rates. Thank you once again.
Beacons Automotive Solutions
Auto Repair Shop
34 Corunna Bay Onekawa, HKB 4110Grate service and you can talk to them I've been with them for years