( 205 Reviews )

Fresh Barber Cuts
Barber Shop
201 Hukanui Rd Claudelands, WKO 3210
Cameron Bidois
Service: Kids' cuts
( 7 Reviews )

Fresh Barber Cuts Flagstaff
Barber Shop
5/454 Borman Rd Claudelands, WKO 3210
Nelia Smit
Fabulous service! Nice to have. Barber that chats and makes us laugh. Thanks for the advice to design too. Appreciated
( 10 Reviews )

Tim Pesch Hair
Barber Shop
Racquet Lane, off, Barton St Claudelands, WKO 3210
Philip Norquay
Tim is a polite, proficient barber with very clean premises. I would recommend him to anyone who needs a haircut.
( 1 Reviews )