( 69 Reviews )

Access NZ Immigration Law Firm
Immigration Attorney
Level 1, suite 2/147 Cameron Rd Tauranga, BOP 3110
Mustafa Baig
I have to say I am so delighted with their service. An authentic, friendly, professional, service tailored to client specific situation while considerig the detials. Spec ... more
( 45 Reviews )

Stay Legal - Specialist New Zealand Immigration Law Firm
Immigration Attorney
Ground Floor, Room 4/36 Cameron Rd Tauranga, BOP 3110
Fernando Amorim
Im here to say how great Lauren was. She did an amazing job helping me with my work visa. Showed knowledge and made everything clear and easy to understand. Always contac ... more
( 10 Reviews )

e-Migration NZ Central Division
Immigration Attorney
18 Cameron Rd Tauranga, BOP 3110
sidhik m
Malcolm pacific lmmigration is reliable firm and highly recommended for everyone... Especially Tom Zhou. He is really good advisor and always provide clear guidence...... ... more